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About Us
We are a Lutheran Church located in Shoreline, WA. We'd love to have you visit! We have a nursery if you need to bring your little ones out during the service, but we also love to have children in church. Feel free to dress up or keep it casual.
Unable to join us in person? Watch online!
Weekly Schedule
10:15 am Adult Bible Class (September-May)
11:00 am Worship Service
Holy Communion is served on the 2nd Sunday of each month, often with a meal following the service.
Please consult our calendar for changes on a weekly basis.
7:00 pm Board Meeting (bi-monthly, 2nd Tuesday of even months)
7:00 pm Bible Study (September-May)
10:00 am Women's Bible Study (September-May)
8:00 am Men's Bible Study (Every 2nd Saturday September-May)
About Our Pastor
Pastor Stan Lampinen was ordained into the ministry in 2004. After serving as Associate Pastor for many years prior, he was elected to serve as pastor in 2015.
Pastor Lampinen has been a member of our congregation for 50+ years and has served in a variety of capacities. He and his wife Shirley and family have been a blessing to our congregation for several decades.
Quick Links
We offer phone patch services during live sermons! Click here to find instructions.
Learn more about our history and what we believe.
Check out our calendar.
Listen to sermon archives.
Streaming on Facebook Live: @SeattleALC
Apostolic Lutheran Fellowship
ALCA Federation Site: apostoliclutheran.org
Lectionary Readings:
Ministries of the ALCA:
Balm of Gilead: alcbalmofgilead.com
Christian Monthly: christianmonthlyalca.org
Western Mission: westernmission.org