For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. When I try to think of the glory of God, I try to think of something big, or majestic, or beautiful. My thoughts go right away to the 6th chapter of Isaiah where we hear that the Whole earth is full of his glory. This Glory of God must be physically big my mind says. It makes sense that the writer talks of the waters covering the sea. Aaron mentioned a few weeks ago how we feel so small next to the vastness of the ocean. It can be there that we realize how “big” God is. But I don’t know that we necessarily need to focus on a physical attribute to describe the Glory of God.
The Glory of God is revealed to us in the person of Jesus Christ. Without this revelation we are left with a holy and righteous God with whom we would not be able to stand before. Instead we have a God who indeed is holy and righteous among many other things, but he is glorious in his love and mercy that he provided an access by Jesus for the world to come to the Creator of the universe, this awe inspiring, all powerful God.
I think of Saul on the way to Damascus. He is blinded by a great light, and in a sense knows some of the Glory of God, but it isn’t until Ananias preaches Christ to Saul that the scales fall away from his eyes. It is almost Immediately that he began preaching Christ In the synagogues. It was Paul’s desire that the Knowledge of the Glory of God would be spread all over “as the waters cover the sea”.
So the glory of God is so much more than his beauty, or his righteousness or his holiness. It is his entire character. All these things wrapped up perfectly, and revealed to us in Christ.
It is my prayer That this knowledge does go forth even by the foolishness of preaching and through these tongues of clay so that all would hear and know the hope of their salvation.
Hans Lampinen
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7
Submitted by Pastor Stan