The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.” -Psalm 41:3
A person begins to feel their own mortality when they experience a bout of sickness or a general malaise. Nothing becomes more clear and important to you than your own health during this time. Having recently undergone a minor gastrointestinal issue, I can attest that the world becomes blurry and self comes into focus. Nothing else matters to you than the overriding thought that you want to be in a better place. Time seems to slow down and any pain or misery is magnified as you lose track of all else besides your own cares. Even the well wishes and offers of prayers from loved ones seem to roll off as water on a rain jacket.
For me it wasn’t until I was prepped for surgery and in a waiting pattern that all those well wishes and offers of prayers came back to me. I was nervous and had turned to God for help. It was there that he reminded me of the many loved ones I had who were holding me up in prayer. They were putting my well being before their own. I could feel those prayers wash over me and the comfort of the Holy Spirit at that time gave me a peace which passed understanding.
I also saw a clear picture of our Savior on what would be his earthly throne. That cross of Calvary where he was raised up and where he experienced so much pain in my behalf. His experience was so much different than mine would be. While the malady that bothered my body would, through pain, be removed from within me, he would have his body opened up and the entire malady of the world would be entered in upon him. Those nails through his hands and feet. That spear through his side and those thorns on his brow were willing only endured in my behalf and yours.
That crushing burden of the sin of the entire world would be upon him. I don’t know that I could have the fortitude to even go through that minor surgery I did if it was for the benefit of others. It’s hard enough to face those kinds of thing knowing that we should feel better afterward. That peace and comfort that God gives us to strengthen us on our beds of sickness and to endure trials along our journey are such a blessing to us, but how much more that peace of eternity that he has given to us through that atoning sacrifice of his son. He heals more than just our bodies. He heals our souls.
Praise God for his unspeakable mercies to us!
Hans Lampinen
Submitted by Pastor Stan