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Quiet waiting

Writer's picture: Seattle ALCSeattle ALC

“It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.” Lamentations 3:26 The commercial construction industry that I work in is a place of noise. The construction techniques of steel and concrete lend themselves to a cacophony of sounds as various trades all work to hammer or drill into them. One gets very used to all the noise and it isn’t until the end of the work day as the tools slow to a stop and the tradespeople clean up for the day that a quietness comes over the job site. The workers are anxious to go home after a long noisy day.

I was walking through the job one day recently and marveled at the difference. The thought came to me that “the labor had ceased”. We so often spend the better part of our lives laboring for the natural things that we need here. This is a direct result of the Fall. While this need to work was a curse, it is also a blessing to us. It would not be good if we were idle. Unfortunately we often translate this same drive to work into a need to perform labor to secure our salvation.

We tend to think that the more we do or the busier we are, then more is being done for Gods kingdom. It is certainly good to be about the business of proclaiming the Gospel, but Jeremiah reminds us in the text above that we should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of our Lord. Our labor should cease. Jesus Christ has done all the labor that ever needed to be done. Our tools should be rolled up and put away and we too should be anxious to go to our Heavenly home to join our loved ones who have gone on before and sing praises around the throne of God. Praise God for his unspeakable mercies to us. Hans Lampinen

Submitted by Pastor Stan

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