Psalm 30:4 KJV – “Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.”
The construction industry is a very loud environment. We spend all day sometimes wearing hearing protection as we work around heavy equipment or tools. The National Institute of Safety and Health recommends wearing this hearing protection if the decibels reach 85 or higher. I haven’t always listened to this advice, but in recent years have paid more attention to it. I even have an App on my phone that measures these volume levels that I use to help determine if the crew should get their ear plugs in.
At our recent Conventions in Hockinson, there were many people pulling out their phones to record the beautiful singing. I too pulled out my phone to record. It was then that I remembered my App and I opened it. I wasn’t surprised that It easily exceeded the 85 decibels. This number would have normally caused me to reach for some ear plugs, but I had the thought that I didn’t care how loud it got. I was enjoying the saints around me uniting their voices in giving thanks and praising our God. I had goosebumps as the familiar hymns and songs would swell at the chorus. The musicians did a marvelous job of accompaniment as each song spoke of the redemption and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We know that God hears one person who can’t even muster the strength to audibly say what is on their heart. Just as he also hears when many voices are lifted together to his ears. I find this congregational singing to be so uplifting. We can get so isolated at times and perhaps even begin to feel like Elijah did when he told God that “I only I am left”. Any thoughts like that would be dispelled as those voices rendered praise to the Holy one of Israel. I believe that we experienced just a fraction of what it is going to be like when we reach our blest home up in heaven where we can sit at the feet of Jesus and sing his praises for all eternity. It will never be too loud when it is praising the sweetest name. May we thank and praise God for his unspeakable mercies towards us in Christ Jesus.
Hans Lampinen
Submitted by Pastor Stan