“And to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD, and likewise at even; “
1 Chronicles 23:30
Happy thanksgiving!
This verse comes from a portion of Gods word where it tells us that King David was old and had already made his son Solomon king of Israel. He had numbered the Levites and given them some new instructions. One of these was that they were not to carry the tabernacle with them anymore as they been instructed to by Moses and Aaron.
The tabernacle would remain in the temple that Solomon was building. One of the other things they did is found in our verse. To stand every morning and evening and to give thanks and praise the Lord. What a wonderful task they had.
We can also take this guidance to heart and give thanks and praise to him day and night as well. This reminds me of the well known verse from the letter to the Philippians ”Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” (Ch, 4 Verse 6)
To start and end the day praising God, and then to take it even a step farther as Paul does to thank and praise him in everything we do. It takes our anxieties and sets them aside and instead of looking at ourselves and the burdens and cares in our lives, we can look at what he has given to us out of his bountiful storehouses.
Everything we have in this natural world has come from his hand. More importantly he offered to us his only begotten son who would take our place on that center cross of Calvary and rise again on that third day giving us forgiveness for our sins and life eternal.
Praise God for his unspeakable mercies to us in Christ Jesus!
Hans Lampinen
Submitted by Pastor Stan